Tuesday, October 9, 2012


In 9Dragons, all players can become members of one of 9 clans, or they can choose to remain a Vagabond and not join a clan. The 6 basic clans are: Wu Tang, Shaolin, The League of Beggars, Heavenly Demon, Sacred Flower, The Brotherhood of Thieves, while the 3 advanced clans are: Black Dragon Clan, Disciples of Iron Fist, and The Union of Noble Families.

The clans are divided into three categories: The White clans (Wu Tang, Shaolin, and The League of Beggars), who are loyal to the emperor, the Black clans (Heavenly Demon, Sacred Flower, and Brotherhood of Thieves) who are not loyal to the emperor, and the Advanced clans (Black Dragon Clan, Disciples of Iron Fist, and The Union of Noble Families).

The Black and White clans can be joined at a low level, and a role can be chosen at level 25. It is estimated that one can join an advanced clan at level 160. As of June 1, 2011, the advanced clans are still not yet implemented in any version of the game.

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